Student Compliment Cards

Everyone Loves a Compliment

Compliment - You are Beautiful

I’ve often had difficulties figuring out what I can do to lift a secondary (middle or high school) student’s day or to just provide him or her a compliment of some sort. With my population of students, they don’t always enjoy hearing compliments (So embarrassing!). I’ve tried many things, but ultimately, many of the tangible things I’ve tried have either been completely ignored or thrown away. THIS, however, has been something that has withstood even some of the most difficult students to reach.

These student compliment cards are PERFECT! They’re small enough to discretely slip onto a desk or hand to a student on his or her way out the door. I’ve seen my students tape them in their lockers or keep them securely in their binders. If you’re interested in trying them out with your students (they’re even awesome to leave with a tip when you eat out!), I’m providing 8 of them for FREE below!

My suggestions are to print them in color on cardstock and laminate them so they last a bit longer than they would on paper.  Enjoy!

Click on the graphic below to get your FREE compliment cards!

FREEBIE - Student Compliment Cards